Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Quite a busy day~

Burrrpp~~!! Woops!! Aku betarap kekanyangan.. hehe =P~ mknanya, aku baru abis dinner, n tarus mengadap laptop dgn rasa ku yg a bit drowsy masa ani.. hmm..

Starting with today's event in the afternoon, tdi ada sesi ‘beramah mesra’ with the new VC- vice chancellor.. Dr Zul.. ececeh~ tapi aku dgn kwn2 ku- Ckin, Fifi, Fai n Mar hnya skadar mliat suasana.. hehe gara2 kn mlayan parut dulu, so kami pun ahir dtg.. n yet, function atu nda jua seformal mana lah.. I can say, biasa2 saja =) Abis saja acara, I went straight to Gadong Properties.. apa ada? Mbayar bill astro.. toink~toink~ I better go there as soon as possible sebab ari ani urg pay day.. Biasanya, after pay day saja, confirm pjg queue. Ani nah tadi ah.. ambil saja no., tarus k counter.. fuh~ abis satu kraja~

I arrived home around 2.10pm.. baru jua kn rehat2 skajap, I had the feeling to start working on one of my assignments- Operations Research.. after doing everything that I need to sttle, n baru jua kn ambil aura kn start mbuat.. ada tia…. “Mijah, jln tane ptg anie.. kul 3.30 tane jln..” Aduhai~ So we went to Hua Ho Mall, Manggis bali brg dapur n brg baby yg ampir2 kn abis.. Well, don’t misinterpret me.. brg baby brg anak kaka ku a!! =D From there, we went to HSBC Serusop for my sis to settle her credit card payment. And this is what I’ve got.. hehehhe.. nada kraja bnr!

While we were on our way to Hua Ho Mall.. (ambung nie ya.. nda mau pakai car seat.. udahnya, tdur cmane~)

While waiting for the kids' mum (my sis) to settle her payment.. *batah x a~*

N when I just stepped into the house..“Lai, ambil Hj Ariez krg tuition ah.. Abah arah tua mu.. Lagi satu, uncu mu Hamdan kana tahan d spital.. baik th kamu lawat2”.. hmm.. mcm2 eyh ari nie.. Tapi, kn mlawat pun sapa jua dgn ku kn mlawat. Tunggu th bla Abah mlawat jua, baru ku ikut.. ehe~ N there was I, otw mengambil Hj Ariez around 8+pm when it rained heavily sampai aku nda nampak jln atu.. Kilat lagi pancar2, silau~ n aku takut!! Hehe.. temparik kali a.. Sakit tarus kpala ku. Tapi atu blkg kira.. yg penting, Alhamdulillah aku sampai k rumah dgn slamat. Syukur~~

Hope my uncle will get well soon... AMIN~

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