Saturday, 30/8/08:
My class ended by 10am. Free!! Tiakrg~~ We have had some group discussions on one of our assignments, Operations Research, which in the end.. siap!! yahuu~ satu udah kurang, tgl dua lagi. Yg slahaunya kn kami ah, Operations Research atu due nya 6/9. Maths Modelling yg due 4/9 anie plg alum kami buat. Hahah! Ngok~! N guess what? We had our discussions di kantin! hehe nada tmpat lain kn??
Lihat lah brg ku yg bejurit tym2 mbuat assignment =P~
Late in the afternoon, aku dgn kan Nisa, my best buddy, menunggu adinya abis class kul 6. Doink~ doink~ doink~ And while waiting, kami pun sambung la membuat OR tu di FOS sebab kantin nda lagi menerima kami. Cian kami jadi mahasiswi dagangan~ hahah. Lihatlah keadaan FOS dlm jam 5.30pm.. Creepy~~ Ujan lagi tu~
Yatah nganya urg atu yg tgl~ Bhapa kh ya~~
The almost-empty parking lots..
Back from UBD, I went home straight away, sebab ada jnji kn jln sama Adee.. N that ws when my "unstable emotions" came~ *sigh*
When two become one~
Sunday, 31/8/08:
We were having our annual feast aka Makan2 tahlil spt biasa~ Gara2 aku ahir tdur the nyt before, ahir la jua ku bgn n so I arrived the destination (at my cuz's) around 11.30am, smpat2i saja tia mbali minyak. Hehe~ Wait! Aku ke sana awal sebab kn dgnkan my uncles, aunties n cuzies la.. Kami bukan pakai catering, instead we are the caterer! Hahah~ siuk x a~ kraja ramai2.. After abis function, abis kraja itu ini.. so there were we.. the cuzies, gosipping.. sharing2 ceta yg kami nda tau.. wooppss~ SHARING IS CARING!! yg hebatnya, bukan bini2 saja yg interested to know.. the guys jua kali a~ hehe.. meaning? We are just the same =P~ Hangat!! Membara!! nda payah pakai firestarter, api marak udah sndirinya.. Hehe~ Smpai aku pun ahir balik wa~ Telalai.. Cali lah bgi ku.. Evertym we were about to start gossiping, one of my aunts mesti lintas2 kn psg tlinga.. So kami pun tukar ceta tarus, pasal our plan.. haha
Apa plan kami?~ Saturday aku tdur sana n sungkai ramai2 siuk2 sndiri, Sunday we'll have a go to Miri..wohoo~ supping tu eyh ramai2~ Count down ku eyh! There'll be Me, Ijan, Fatin, Pipah, Nana, Amin, Aiman n mybe kaka Pina.. Tak ku sabar~
Look at my full fuel meter.. I lyk~
Today, 1/9/08:
I met Adee today, n had a breakfast with him d kantin UBD. Owh~ How I miss those times when we used to spend our times together d UBD. Kdg2 laa~ Well, everything seems to be just fine except at certain times.. Esp. during my Complex Analysis lecture.. God~ I was ssssssssooooooooooooooooooooo sleepy. Padahal, menyalin notes tu, buleh ku ngantuk brabis??!! The bonus thing is, I was sitting at the very front row, really dpn2 my lecturer bnr2! How cud that be?? Yet, when it comes to Combinatorics lecture, yg durationnya 2hrs, ada smangat ku..! Heran~~
Right after lecture, while I was waiting for my car engine utk memanas kn dirinya, I turned on my MP3 modulator.. Tdgr la lagu Semusim which d pndgran ku lain mcm saja bunyinya.. "Ih!! knapa ya ada bunyi sumthing anie? bcmpur jua bunyi lagu ani.. apakan tu??" Rupanya~ hp ku yg bebunyi d samping lagu Semusim atu! haha.. "Kok kamu lambat loading sih?" (kata2 aunty c Fatin tu kmarin).. "Systa_304 calling" I knew it! Bkirim McValue Meal no. 2.. Aku menyawang eh~
Mlm, I went to visit my uncle d hospital.. (duh~).Tadi ptg he had an operation membuang ketumbuhan arah kidney nya.. I felt sooo sorry~ ksian brabis ku liat. Abah lagi ada ceta tadi, he cried silently when Abah visited him tadi tghari.. N bila Abah lapkan air matanya, makin tialagi my uncle ani menangis sampai Abah pun menangis tia jua.. huh~ Nasib baik aku nada, mun nda, aku pun turut jua tu... Sekeras2 hati Abah, ada jua kelembutannya.. Sayang Abah~ InsyaAllah, will visit him tomorrow lagi.
Get well soon, Uncu~ AMIN~
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