Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jealousy? Paranoid?

I'm now on MSN with a friend of mine..let me call him as Q. As far as I'm concerned, ia anie ada gf.. tapi up n down slalu lah.. N I was the cause, once before. But wat I can say is, it was all because of jealousy yg melulu! It was just based on her -ve assumptions which she didn't want to "investigate" first! *sigh* aku jua yg kana~

Few weeks back, aku terjumpa ia sama gfnya when I was outside the library with my friends. Since aku kenal ia, nda kn aku buat2 nda kenal kn...? So I just smiled at him, n he smiled back, which I noticed that it was just a fake smile.. But, who cares~ Aku tau plg apa sebabnya tu. U know~~ =) Now, he just told me that actually her gf saw me smiling to him.. And she DID ask him, whether or not I actually smiled to him.. I was lyk.... WHAT~~?? I asked him, if ia tau apa jadi? He said, she'll menyamal.. errmmmbaaaahh~~~

I really2 don't understand, y wud some girls do such thing? think of such thing as...... ntah, apakan tu namanya? Wud u categorise me as flirting her bf kah tu by giving him a smile?? Hello~ I know his status, n I know MY status.. eee~ antah! Nauzubillah~ Mudahan saja aku nda cmatu.. Cemburu nda betempat.. Well, okay~ who m I to judge.. He knows more about her than I do.. Cud be related to their past, or just being cautious, or....... uh~ whatever it is.. But, I wonder, y most gurls feel lyk, as if I'm trying to take their bf away from them.. padahal aku ikhlas jua bkwn.. bkwn pun nda jua ada yg special.. "aku2 kau2" jua.. ermmm~~ So I better stick to my "girls friendship" eh, mun cmane kjadiannya..

To Q: If ko tbaca blog ani, sorry bnr2.. Aku nda puas ati saja, so ku luah kn d sini =)


Anonymous said...

hahaha bnr tu beb. hmmmph sometimes aku pun selalu kana catu, just because i'm close to their boyfriends, the girlfriends tend to HATE me. sigh. but i think i know why, coz i felt the same way too when them girls trynna get close to mine. But fo sho i know the differences of girls yang jenis ikhlas yang kan berkawan (like in your case) or yang kebirahan bitchy minta puji ulahnya. I really hate it when they get so biitchy like tarang2 next to him is his GF. duhhh! anyway apakan aku ah? meluahkan perasaan ku jua ku tu!!! hahaha. Well beb sabar saja. ;)

Hjh EzaH said...

hahah.. u'r welcome to express ur feelings here =P yatah ah, aku senyum jua saja, senyum pun utk mnagur, tapi urg pikir lain.. apakan? nda d tagur krg, kana ucap jua ambung.. hmmm~~ yea, bnr tu.. we can tell if the person niatnya utk kwn saja atau kn mnggatal.. ntah ah, nda ya pndai membezakan kali.. hahah =P~ naaahh~ carried away tia kekekke

Anonymous said...

maybe luan flirtatious kali senyuman mu ah. yatah ingau ya bini2 ah. hahaha. oooppps. soorrry ah aku inda puasa yatah aku ngumpat to whoever it is. LOLs.

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