Sunday, November 9, 2008

Santai day~

Today.. an exciting day. Slalunya urg jln2, mesti ada bali itu ini.. but we, my frens n I, went jln2 tnpa ada hajat yg lurus, slain dari lunch, jln2 for fun.. Plan kn k pntai Muara, since there was this Pesta Pantai anjuran UBD, skalinyaaaa~~~~ bukan main byk kreta atu, n tpksa jauh paking.. *sigh* mls th kami kn bjln jauh2.. SO we went to Pantai Serasa. We stopped at this Pet Corner, n aku ada rasa kn pigang ular.. tapi takut jua ku hehe.. so I just touched it, atu pun reflex action ku kluar.. Adrenaline rush ku slajur! haha So plan ku next week kn cuba lah pigang bnr2, bila ada.. let's see =P Then menenangkan fikiran tmpat yg ujung skali atu, sambil liat dis maci mengail.. n she succeed. Woh! Finally, we went to the Empire.. jln2, so there were we dgn ulah kami masing2, bgmbar sana sini.. haha.. laughters are everywhere =D went to the lobby, round2 dgn alunan muzik dari piano.. so sweeeett~ yatah kalau urg kn dating, ngam tu tampatnya ah.. last2, rehat2 arah sofanya.. ceta2, chill2.. sampai kul 7.30pm. We arived there around 5.30pm =O bnr2 kn kami bjln.. hehe

Ok, esuk kn test Combinatorics, tapi kami biar apa bjln dr tghari smpai k mlm..hehe next mission, mliat wyg ceta Madagascar.. I'm looking fwd for it.. huhu

Owh yea, pagi tadi bgmbar sama Adee with his mum n his bro as well as the sister in law.. wohoo~ abak2 ku! plus, ada this one old man, btnya if aku bljar masih or nda.. skali ceta itu ini... ia gtau to succeed, jgn th pikirkan pasal bf dulu tym2 cmane, aim high n dptkan sgala2nya..... yg mahalnya, ia tunjuk Adee's mum, n tnya aku if she's my mother.... =O doink~ doink~
*will post the photos soon* betry camera ku parai dah~~~

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