Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Ok~ Mulai ari ani, dgn rasmi nya aku "kraja" jadi babysitter to those 2 kids named Alysya n Izza'im.. haha! mcm biasa~ yatah kalau ada papa plan tym2 cuti semester kah, cuti apakah, nda usah bawa aku... ani lah sebabnya... tapi kn, ada lah at certain times I wud ask for "cuti" haha =P mau jua ku enjoy for a day or two... This month, ada udah plan tu minta cuti, utk ku ronda2 Brunei sama member ku.. eseseh~ not forgetting my LOVE too, since ia yg drive kn.. haha =P kidding~~

Alysya Ellyyana

Md Zhafri Izza'im

I'm now on MSN sama seorang budak remaja, bernama CKIN.. c Nisa ntah k mana.. tdo tia pakah! slalunya ada ya nie...Yg lain mls ku tagur dulu, nda krg ku tlayan.. sama Ckin, sal ada urusan sket~ hehe Aku, jua, masa ani menunggu uploading gmbar d FB ku slasai.. punya lah bataaaahh~~ sal basar size nya atu plg tu... *sigh* hey~ It's time to update everything kali aa~~

I heard that my uncle kana tahan lagi.. huhu.. tgugur kah apa... I'm not sure, since I haven't visited him yet.. n one of my....... hmmm.... apa ku pgl kn tu ah...... aku pun nda tau.. Ah! pokoknya sdara lah.. spupu my mum kali...they said sakit tenat.. Inalillahi wainna ilaihir raji'un... May Allah bless you..

I'll only be seeing Adee starting next week.. He'll be very busy this week =( sunyi ku eyh~ jln nda jua dpt jln.. on9 th saja memanjang kraja ku nie krg mlm2.. nada lain dgn ku, KAU n KAU jua... Teman setia ku.. haha I lyk~~ bh, KAMU! bila main sketch lagi?? hehe nda sampai kn main ari atu~~ I'll be a bit busy plg jua this week sal Abg Mali kn kawin, tapi~~ I still have the time when I'll be alone, n will keep on thinking of him.. ishh~~ lalalaaalaaaa~~ dudidudiduuu~~~ Sabar~~ alum lg papa... hehe yes! I admit, I'm a bit.................. clingy =P at certain times saja...........MAYBE~~

Hey~ Tadi my sis n I had a somewhat joyful time.. we checked our weight with the fat contents in our body and the water %. My weight is *1kg, my fats 25% which actually is healthy, water % is 51%.. ouccchh!! Ngam2 kan... hehe this is the funny part.. Abah's weight is *1kg, water % is 65% and the fat contents........................................................ 9.6!%!!!!!! in which, according to the chart, he's categorised as UNDERFAT!! haha.. atu ktawa kami.... aku th lagi, menangis2 bh ktawa =P Babu pun ktawa2..Abah snyum2 saja.. nya "Yatah sehat tu naaahh~~" haha.... you're right~~ Abah... mana nda, ari2 makan lauk rabus, tatap kurg lemak! hehe tapi kn, I salute lah Abah~~

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