Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lots of things happening.....~

Yea, I mean it... lots of things really had happened...

Innalillahi Wa'inna Ilaihirraji'un..... Pemergian sepupu Babu- Hjh Jijah n nini Bungsu- Hj Abd Karim pada Hari Sabtu, 13hb Disember, 2008 mmg menyedihkan seluruh keluarga.. Di tambah lg dgn pemergian Uncu tersyg- Md Sahli @Hamdan Hj Abd Rahman pada Hari Selasa, 16hb Disember, 2008 ='( Semoga roh mereka smua d cucuri rahmat.. AMIN~ al-Fatihah~

Adventurous event planned earlier with my best buddies was cncelled.. Kalau kan d jadikan pun, aku pun mmg nada mood jua... I was really2 sad for Uncu's lost..In fact, I am.. still~ Well, mmg la.. kematian akan terjadi, pada sesiapa pun.. Tapi I really didn't expect that it wud be this soon... I still remember that Tuesday afternoon..................... While I was at home, lapas menidurkan my niece around 2.30pm, the phone rang....... Mmg tah, kalau phone d rumah ani bebunyi, ada hal tah tu.. meaning? tpun d rumah ani jrg kn bebunyi.. huhu......Abah picked it up.. n he cudn't hear the clear voice from the other side.. What I heard was.. "Hah? Knapa babah mu?".. From that moment onwards, I cud sense something.. Something must've happened to Uncu.. Next statement from Abah.. "Nda benafas lagi..???".. That answered everything.. But I still tried to think +ve.. They cud be really panic! Nothing serious wud've happened.. Abah immediately tukar baju, n went there, at Kg Rimba.. Rasaku masa atu? Aku mau ikut!! Tapi nda dapat... I need to look after the kids.. I just called Kaka, n informed her.. I've asked Abah to call me if there's anything.. Tapi, tunggu puya tunggu nda jua ada... hmmm~~~ the phone rang, again.... I picked it up, n Nini called.. "Mana Babu mu? Ke Rimba ya udah? Ku dgr c Hamdan meninggal ah?".. Ya Allah........ everything revealed by then.. itu ini itu ini... So I went there with Kaka around 4pm, ia pun awal kluar dari office. I was so sad mliat skujur tubuh d tutupi kain... I wanted to see his face for the last time, tapi........ I just cudn't stand it sampai th jenazah d masukkan ke van jenazah utk d bawa ke kubur. I just said to myself... "Mungkin ada hikmahnya aku nda sampai mliat..." Jenazah d kuburkan d tanah perkuburan Kg Pulaie. Tahlil mlm atu, nda ku dtg.. barat bnr rasa kpala ku.. I've cried a lot~ ='( I've heard lots of things before n after he passed away.. What I can say is, remain it silent.. Nda baik d ckpkan pkara2 ttg urg yg sudah tiada..........

With Adee? awwhh~ I've had hard times with him sometimes.. but then, Alhamdulillah... we cud go over them, together.. Maybe what he had said to me is true.... Our quarrels, our arguments actually make our relationship even stronger.. hmm~~

Walk-A-Hunt.... It was held on Sunday, 14th December, 2008. Overall, it didn't go quite well, for us.. But after all, Nisa n I, being the team no. 096, did enjoy our times working together. Well, our mistakes... We didn't manage the time that well. As a result? Not enough time.. apa lagi? heheh.. Tapi kami bangga, slain having fun, dapat jua masih mbuat kbajikan =D

Now, I'm freaking out of the exam result!! awwwhh!! Stress ku plg jadinya.. I rather choose to be listed as one of the candidates who will sit for the Supplementary Exam rather than as one of the failures on the spot!..After all, I need to be prepared.. mentally especially.. Ya Allah~ Bantulah Hamba-Mu ini..... =(

Well, okay~ I'm lost to where I stopped n wat to say next... gara2 kana invite main game arah MSN.. haha.. kacau!! bh, I'll update more soon......

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