Friday, January 16, 2009

Cruising to KB~

Cruising to KB- 11th January, 2009. Ahirnya, sampai jua hajat kami, after it was being postponed twice! heh.. There were 5 of us- 3 girls, n 2 bodyguards! hehe.. pandai2 la kami tu mencari urg2 nya yg seshhhwaaaaii~ batah kli a mikirkan... Ingat sanang?? *emo~*

Ignoring all other irrelevant details, kami sampai KB 9+am. Baik jua kadai buka udah. Nda plg ada papa, cuci mata saja lah meronda kadai yg.... uh~ I don't know wat to say~~ So bila dakat2 tghari, kita lepak n santai ke Silver Jubilee Park after ronda-ing d bandar KB plus tamu nya. It was soooo sunyi.. Knapa ah? Mmg urg KB nda berminat kah d sana atu? I found it kinda weird! Us, the girls.. mcm kanak2 lah, main arah playground yg mana stated panggang2 udah utk KANAK2!! haha Akun saja tia diri atu kanak2!!

Kita main apa yg ada~~

Chuppp- baaaa~~!!

Not forgetting to share one thing, that made us LOL!! Adee drove us, all the way thru. I admit, he's the person yg kinda lambat kn accept any instruction while he's driving. Yes, I'm aware of that, but the others baru kn tau.. The other bodyguard, tau la jua ckit2 KB ane, so ia lah jadi instructor. We wanted to go around Bandar KB, n he asked Adee to go to the left, way ahead before we reached the actual junction. N bila dakat udah, Adee was... "Uh? Ah? Mana? Mana? Kiri? Ani? *pointing* Eh.. Eh.. nahh~ Limpas tia~" Hahah!! Kamu~ Atu th habitnya tuu~~ Ooo~ Ooo.. Kamu ketahuan~~ =P

We were at the park up to mid day, and st. away went off to Riveria Cafe' kah? *correct me if I'm wrong* Buleh la jua nyamannya.. Ada plg kurang nya, but... nda apa lah. Nama jua baru2an, HENTAM SAJA LAH~ Janji parut nda kebuluran. Ja, kamu?? =D Di sini, ada lg kisahnya. It's near to the river, spatutnya.. nikmatilah makanan atu d luar ah. Tapi kepanasan punya pasal, so we just stayed inside. Konon, kan bsajuk2. Tapi malangnya.... rasa ku d dalam atu pun sama juanya! Aircon nya nda kuat, or rusak mebe, I thought. Biasalah aku~ mana2 pigi pun, bawa kiap. Bila nda tahan, bekiap lah ku sambil meliat keadaan sekeliling. Udahnya, aku kana tagur.. "C mizah tu bekiap ah.." Aku bangang! What?? Panya, aircon kana kuat kn, gara2 aku bekiap!! Haha woopppss~~ Sorry!!

When the stomach is full... Apa lg? Joli~~ We went to OGDC. Again, Adee but hal. D suruh ke kiri, kanan d pilihnya! Baik jua lalu jln kanan tu pun tambus k OGDC. hehe =P~ D sana, masing2 buat hal sndiri. Kami yg baru 1st tym ani, except the bodyguard n Ckin, sakai la!! We were there for more than an hour kali eh. Sadar2 bila abis, it was 4+pm since 2+ or so!

They cud fit in all the boxes! Yeay!!

He cud link them, but cudn't unlink =P

Last destination was Sg. Liang Recreational Park. We wanted to go to the Tree House kali namanya. But since we didn't really know how long it wud take, takut jua ahir kluar. Ijap ku~ Kalau awal masih, brani lah ku. Plus, our attire nda plg ngam. hehe Kamu, we'll try it nnti ah =D and... and... most of us were in doubt. Urg tua2 cakap, kalau 50-50 tu, baik th jgn.

But yet, that was not the last destination of the day. We continued jln2 d bndar! Otw back, sorg2 lalah! Ckin n I fell asleep. Nisa, mlayan prasaan sal nda dpt tdur dlm keta. Kami jadi mangsa. D gmbarnya bh urg tdur! Cheh!! 2nd last destination, we went to The Empire Hotel! Lepak skajap~ hehe Owh~ Here, they were having certain arguments n discussions yg mana aku mls kn layan ={ I just listened to them, tapi nda jua concentrate sgt. hehe sorry kamu~

Stayed there up to 7+ mybe, parut lapar! I thought that was the last place, panya alum! Dinner time~ Ane pun bkisah. Batah kn decide. Hehe.. Thank u Nisa sebab join kami. I do appreci8 that =D We went dinner at AhanThai Gdg. D sini? Lagi mcm2 discussion ada~ Hey! I just realised, we had lots of conversation, lots of discussion. Wohoho~ From there, k mana lg? Balik la~ Bubar!! Babaiii~

Of all, S>>I>>U>>K>>!! Kamu? Kamu?


Anonymous said...

YES!! i really enjoyed my day at KB~ we had fun but then inda mngalihkn.so kinda like it sooo much.gpun with the discussions going on between us made me feel tne adult berabis.haha! jdnya slama ni mcm kanak2 sja bunyinya. :p gpun cAde beulah a~ kn siuk f ia ca2 slalu.hehe.ckin pn nda jua tkutkn ia g,hehe.kn kin?bh nnti2 g..dpt jua collection gmbr kmu tdur.wahaha!!!

Hjh EzaH said...

Betul~ Nganya telinga ku sakit masa d lebry Empire! Mana lg dgn carta no. 1 pemajalan! Hahahah Kidding~ nnti ku tagur Adee ah. *wink* apa niuh! Kuliksin~ Kuliksin~ Kan ko apa? jampi2?? Hish~ Bahaya bnr eh

**All Time Favourite**