Friday, January 16, 2009

Surprise for him.. Shhhh~

His B'day is coming soon.. As Yanyan said, 10 days lg. Hehe I didn't realise that. I didn't make the countdown. What I know is, it''ll be on Monday, that's it! =D I'm planning to make a surprise for him, as if I don't prepare anything special for him. Hehe.. It's been few days I plan it with.... siapa lg, kalau bukan geng ku- Nisa n Ckin! Mcm2 ada~ Thank you kamu~~ Mwah! Mwah! haha =P *smoooooocch~*

Few days before I plan things out with both the gurls, I told Kaka about it. I mean, not about the plan. But about his b'day that's coming soon. Biasalah aku~ Nda cerita satu hal, nda sah! Yg remeh pun kn ku share =D Nyanyah kah aku?? hehe

Out of the blues, when I was having my lunch today, Abah asked me.. "Bila? 26? aaa... ari jadi c Adee ani?" N I was.... errmm..... apakan~ "Bah, pgl ya ari satu atu, mbuat soto tane. Jgn bgitau ia tane mbuat atu utk ia" Awh~ now I get it. Indirectly saying that we'll be celebrating his b'day d rumah.. with my family. Haha Batah loading!! N I asked Kaka, knapa ya tarus2 atu? Mcm.. nda pernah2 nie celebrate bday Adee d rumah. Biasanya, we wud celebrate it bedua saja =D Wow!! This'll be a new thing! Nya Kaka "Knapakan? nda buleh? I'll order steamed fish". Knowing that it's Adee's fav. food. Mmg th bnr apa Adee said, my family ane PENDULUR!! haha I'm glad to have such a family. Thank You Everyone.

N that means, plan ku sama the gurls nda th jadi tu.. *sigh* Sorry kamu... So, I'm inviting both of u ke rumah lah.. Since our plan awal2 kn celebrate n give him the surprise sama2 kan?? Tapi....... Nisa awal2 udah reject.. ={ Okay Nisa~ aku paham.. aku mengerti.. Ko mau ani........>>>>

haha!! Mcm b'day ku saja =P

Now, I need to plan things out.. What are the things that I need to have n buy. I've bought the b'day card. SO 2nd in the list is.....


n plan how to make the surprise


Hope saja smuanya menjadi... AMIN... eh, readers yg kenal Adee...



Anonymous said...

Shhh~ jgn bising..skalinya cAde msuk blogmu.haha! baru kau tau!! btw im invited oledi meh~ kau jua jemput aku dh..gnya hawaa ku nyamu.kau clbr8 sma fmily den kmi dua ekong mcm mnyampuk sulnya.malu I tau~ ;) just thanx for the invitation as well as the 'invitation card'.hehe

Hjh EzaH said...

haha.. akan ku pastikan ia nda cek tu.. ntah tau ntah nda ia address blog ku ani.. =D bh nda apa, taun dpn tane cuba lg. Mun kn taun2 dorg offer kn celebrate sefamily, tunggu th udah kawin! Baru thrill, sorg2 dgn laki n anak2 masing2!! hahahahahhahahaha

Anonymous said...

haha~ a2 bnr..postpone sja bh surprisemu a..p kali ni skerabat fmily mu join in.hehe. btw i love u too mij..keke *sipu2 n karap2 mata sal malu* for the 'I love...'


Hjh EzaH said...

Yatah bh~ Ya Rabbi~ bila th kn sampai ni surprise d kadai ah.. Adatah kali sebabnya ni nda nyuruh surprise d luar. Krg shock c Adee!! haha.. Nisa~~~ *wink* hehe kan bagus ko buat namamu instead of Anonymous ah.. Susah hati tahap maksima ku!!

**All Time Favourite**