It's been a BIG issue recently, about the Zakat Claims. Ya Rabbi~ Mcm2 cerita ada.. From a trusted resource, RAMAI urg yg dtg k sana. Bla pihak yg berkenaan bgtau criteria2 urg yg BERHAK n PATUT menerima balance zakat atu, u know wat the crowd did? "BBBooooooooo~~~" Astaghfirullahal'azim!! Cmane kah urg Brunei?? Malu ku ih! Ppl boo ia, n yet those ppl are still asking for the money. Ih~ nda sadar diri eh!!
Borneo Bulletin Weekend ada siarkan ceritanya. Yg mahal nya...
"Ironically, as the Sunday Bulletin observed, some of these people came in their own vehicles and dressed quite well, with mobile phones and jewellery, signifying that they have the means to live on their own. Some even drove away in expensive vehicles." Yatah urg2nya yg kan minta duit Zakat tu??Kreta mewah.. Miskin kah tu? Fakir kah tu?? Maunya d gmbar bh kreta2 mewah ah, baru ya~
"....some of the public might have misinterpreted on who qualifies as Al-Gharimin." Awh~ That's for sure. Just look at the crowd! Atau sebenarnya kn cuba nasib?? Baca deyh buku ugama~
"...filling up the form does not automatically entitle a person to receive the Zakat money. The form has to be scrutinised so as to avoid giving it to an undeserving recipient, which is deemed sinful." "...being heavily indebted with personal loans does not necessarily qualify someone to be grouped under Al-Gharimin." Good! I hope they'll fulfill what they've just said. Amin~ Mun ada kes RASUAH, "main urg dlm", biar bjaguk!! Nda berkat hidup. Makan duit haram! Ntah2, makin btambah kali eh utang ah! *emo ku ni*
Detailed news on
Quotations taken from here -By Azaraimy HH
Au! Aku emosi.. Biar tia!! heh~ Hal Negara, smua urg kisah. Kalau th ada sdara2 ku d sana, KAMU~ SADAR TAH!! Moga d rahmati Allah~
Iatahkn...kenapa rmai org inda phm apa mksud miskin dan fakir a2.eth ni kbnykan org brunei,kapih plg p dri ksalahan drg jua that is hutang keliling pinggang!! rumah bsr,keta mewah,baju blink2 n brg branded2.sbb a2 drg kurang duit p bukan dkira miskin 2 wahai org2 brunei!! apalh!! emosi ku trus.haha..bleh bgaya p ikutlh kmampuan diri. brunei ani kurang pengetahuan ttg kewangan kali atau drg tau p nda mempraktikkn.biarlh tne bsederhana mcm suruhan Rasulullah~tne sederhana juakn mij n yet we are still hepy meh~ hepy hepy a lotsss~ haha,majal!!
Betul~ Agree~ Agree~ Kalau utang bank, personal loan buleh kana byrkn uleh krajaan wah, atu smua urg mau tu eh! Encouraging beutang tia, n yet masih kana byrkan. Woowwww!! =O yea, sederhana~ Keinginan ada, tapi kita Tahan~ Tahan~ hehe
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