Thursday, February 12, 2009

*scratch* *scratch*

*yawn*..*scratching* *scratching* haha!! Bekarak bh~ it's been a long tym that I didn't post anything. Cigu bz~ =P

Let's upd8 wat I've been thru. I'm teaching 4E and Y 7R. It's not easy being with them. 4Es are okay~ Wat I'm worried of the most is....they are far behind the others. Dah tah ketinggalan, being involved for the National Day, laaaaagiii la ketinggalan. *sigh* I think I need to give them extra classes. I'll talk to my CT soon. *thinking* Y 7R? Not that responsive =( coba~ imagine.. CT ku sndiri cakap nda mbari iski kan mngajar mun nda responsive atu. huhu... Tabah Zah~

Tadi, 2-3 of my 4E studs were not involved for the National Day. So they requested me to teach them personally any parts yg dorg alum pro. Owh~ I'm glad that I cud make them understand better =D main trick sgala..not only that, mcm2 cerita bh dorg ceritakan arah ku. Haha~ Layan~ Ada special request lagi, kalau buleh th any ptg yg aku free. Woh! Baik th ku ngajar tuition nah!! haha

I'll be one of the staffs in charge to look after the studs during the National Day rehearsal, on Saturday. 4E!! heh~ studs ku jua.. nda apa~ My opportunity to know them more.. =)

Bah~ mbuat lesson plan ku dulu~

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