Just arrived home around 10.20pm td from Sungkai-ing with Adee and his frens at Big Papa's Restaurant. Nyaman lah jua makanannya =D
Ahirnya, sampai jua ku ke EXPO Bumiputra ah.. blurih ku clip tudung. Well, yg ku puas ati, it was cheaper than tmpat biasa.. padahal ah, same size! ish ish~ It'll be smpai 19th Sept. Then went to the Mall. Punya lah ramai urg! Bnr2 bh ur suping! Well, was not really excited la kn beround coz Adee pun mcm nada mood. *sigh*
This is the reason why he lost his mood... he lost his watch!! d Masjid.. he forgot to take back the watch lapasnya bewudhu.. n after smbyg, baru ia realise... udah d aga smula, the watch had said babai to him way2 earlier! Coincidently, baru saja ia masuk k keta, 1st thing that I saw was, tgnnya kusung... n mulut yg nada insuran ani btnya "Where's ur watch?" toink! Thus, all the way thru, no matter where we go, ia ngusut.. I just didn't wanna say anything, sebab.... kalau ku riuh krg................ So, ku relakan saja.. Nanti2 mbalikan lg ah, masa nikah! =P
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