There'll be an outing.. (sungkai luar plg tu bnrnya =P) on the 9th and 14th with different group of friends.. 13th menziarahi kubur, Abah's side annual family event.. and 18th Majlis Khatam+Trawih beramai2 at our crib, Babu's side family event.. Bz nyaa~ And I need to set a day to have sungkai together with one of the studs. Adduiihh~ Alum ku tpikir!
Adee is tensed atm.. *sigh* I've never seen him soooo down.. soooo frustrated.. soooo marah2, slama ku sama ia.. but that time... undescribable! (wujud kah word itu? =P) I really wanna make him feel relieved! I really wanna make him be happy! But........ I don't know how! *sigh* What I cud do is just to support him, psychologically. Well, we can just seek for help from Allah..That's all that I can say. Ada satu 'cahaya' yg d bgi Allah baru2 ani, n I hope 'cahaya' atu akan dapat reveal the solution to his prob soon.. Amin~ Waiting and keep on waiting~
Ouh~ the maid will be off to her country for a month.. slama sbulan lah jua aku akan menjadi the so-called "suri rumahtangga", wanita mithali hahah!! *uweekk!!* which is gud, anyway.. =D Batah udah ku tglkan smua atu.. now it's time for me to have all the chores back for a month!
Random much! I'm sleepy atm! nda cukup tdur~ Cmana th jua.. Mlm nda mau tdur awal.. Slagi jarum jam atu nda menjangkau 12, nda tia tdur tu.. After sahur, tdur balik kul 6am! Bgn? td pukul 8! isk isk~ Wasbir~ Wasbir~
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