Friday, October 30, 2009


Me: Marking?
Adee: Mls eh.. ngantuk tia jua. Nda jua abis mlm ani tu..
Me: Eeeyyhh~ at least kalau marking mlm ani, ada progress. Bh, agatah ambil paper. Ne bawa tarus baju tadi ah, simpan d kreta.
Adee: Bah.. (dgn mood malas)
Adee, then, came into the house with an empty hand.
Me: Eh? Mana tia paper ah?
Adee: *smiling* M....m..alassss.... *smiling, minta ksian*
Me: Ihhhh~ ambil eyyhh..
Adee: ermm.. tapi... red pen nda bebawa *smiling*
Me: Aiii.. rasanya kn cari alasan ah. I have red pens, belambak tu d atas ah..
Adee: ... hmm.... =(

Hehehe so cali of him!! He's responsible to mark some studs' exam papers bah, skali katanya tgl subjective questions saja lg.. Rasa ku th mcm boss menyuruh anak buahnya mbuat kraja, mesti d supervise, baru mbuat kraja. Hehe watever u'll call/ label me, queen control?? heh~ but it's for his good. I'm glad that I cud help him doing the marking =) Sementara ku cuti ani jua. Ia marking td pun seriously mcm urg tepaksa, which I think, mmg tepaksa lah.. tepaksa uleh ku =P But hey! Siap kali ah!!!! wohooo~ see!! Tgl double check, n sum up markah saja lg. He did say "Yeayy!! Siap!! Alhamdulillah..Bnr jua nya syg atu ah.. Siapkan mlm ani =D" Mau2 jua kn d drill atu kn.. Au, mun kn d turutinya malas nya atu, ntah bila kah ia kan mbuat mun nda d paksa siapkan mlm ani.. Yg ku kcalian, atu bh... masuk smula k rumah dari kretanya, empty-handed ah! Alasan lg nada mbawa pen merah! hahah Buat lg muka sposen, so that I wud say "Bah.. au bh, nda payah marking mlm ani" hehe Akan ku kenang smpai bila2!!

He bought some shirts today.. pun cali jua! Mula2 d suggest, katanya nda lawa.. Simple tah, atu tah ani tah.. bila d suruh cuba, nah!! Tau ya cakap "Lawaaa~!!!" cheh! Suggested him to try something new rather than just a simple shirt =D

I'm now aiming for this one pair of shoes! Qiut!! Adee said, "Lawa! It really shows that it's you!" haha apakan? Tau lah~ I'm into that kind of shoes! hiiiissshh~ That'll be my next mission! =D Girls suppose to be trendy, aku lain tia plg.. lahip! hahah tak kisah~

Overall, I really had a great day + night! =D Full of laugthers and imaginations! hehe Thanx Hun =D Love you to the MAX!! Bekuruh2 tia kali udah tidur masa ani.. ksian! He's really exhausted!

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