I've been searching for the 'nasyid' or 'lagu' or... antah, apa2 lah namanya.. yg penting Asma'ulhusna itu.. tpi before ani nda kuat ati ku.. masa ani, bnr2 ku mencari.. So there I posted d FB, kot2 mmg ada udah urg yg ada Asma'ulhusna atu, so I can just get it from them..
Mmg th.. satu keajaiban rasa ku.. 3 ppl commented on my status, n all of them were willing to help.. I really mean they were helping much much!! Terharu ku smpai one of them tried hard rasanya kn share it with me.. n others too! I appreciate them all..
In the end, one of them downloaded it for me and sent it via MSN. Tq Mad~ =D Allah mempermudahkan pekerjaan Hamba-Nya bila ianya menuju ke arah kebaikan.. Subhanallah.. Allahu Akbar!
Semoga hidayah akan turun mencurah2 lagi~ =)
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