Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sedikit ilmu.. "Insya-Allah"~

Selamat Memperingati Nuzul Al-Quran 1430 Hijrah bersamaan 2009 Masehi..

I watched the celeb. for which actually it was just prize giving ceremony (Sunday, 6th Sept). Pertandingannya berlangsung few days before the actual day.

Keputusan d umumkan, juara for each category and so ada persembahan dari dorg for which soalan dorg masa hari Khamis atu kana ulangi n they 'answered' them. And dari sana dptlah ku satu ilmu...

Dan janganlah kamu berkata akan melakukan sesuatu pada esoknya tanpa berkata INSYA-ALLAH.. (I cudn't recall dari Surah mana ia di ambil.. my bad!) We won't know whether or not we'll still be alive on the next day.......... and thus... INSYA-ALLAH....

I really salute them! N congrats to peserta dari Malaysia yg menjuarai pertandingan utk peringkat MABIMS.. =D

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