Friday, January 8, 2010

Life as his fiance~

I've been leaving the blog for quite a while.. hmm~ lyf is just sooooooo busy! =S work and the preparation for the past event =)

2010 so far has been wonderful! Rezeki mencurah2, Alhamdulillah. Berita gembira sentiasa mendatangi, Alhamdulillah. Nganya stress sikit. hehe Aku masih dlm proses membiasakan diri dgn hidup bekeraja d waktu pg smpai k ptg! Uwaaa~ Well, the colleagues are all thumbs-up! Alhamdulillah.. kraja nya nganya, bukan2!! *sigh* sabar~ wasbir~ wasbir~

Just to share something, 3rd January is now included in one of the dates in my diary! Status has been upgraded. Alhamdulillah, all went well, except for some minor things. =) Nganya, sejak hari atu jua, we're all busy. While I'm still struggling to adapt to the new working life, my bad, I've not been able to spend the time with him lyk usual. I cudn't cook for his lunch since then up to now. =S Ilang skill ku tarus! hahahahha I admit, I miss my relaxing time!! huh~ Tho' I feel just like usual, but..... ntah, there's something new that I feel being someone's fiance =D

He came after all the family members went home.. bijak bijak! =D

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